Why clean your car before Winter?

Well – that’s a good question! Why clean and detail your car when the weather is going to turn bad soon anyways… There are many good reasons:

  • removing any food, crumbs, dog cookies and other edible items make your car less attractive to mice – who look for a new place to live during winter!
  • getting the inside of your car cleaned and conditioned improves the moisture resistance of the materials and makes any future clean up easier for you
  • washing the car, removing any contaminants like road tar from the summer road construction season, and adding a protective layer of wax will not just help keep mud off. It won’t allow snow and ice to adhere to the vehicle, so it brushes off easier and ice crystals won’t scratch the paint. A snow-free car is safer on the road!
  • and talking about the cold, when we clean a car, we like to condition the rubber door seals. A small detail that’s not really listed or advertised in the service description. It helps prolong the life of the seal, prevents premature aging due to dryness or tears, and it will help that your doors don’t freeze shut!

What else can we do to make our vehicles safer in the wintertime?
Are your headlights clear or fogged over? We can recondition them for often a fraction of the price that replacement headlights would cost!
You’ve heard about Rain-X. We have a more durable version, a real ceramic coating for glass. A clear windshield provides better visibility, so again, be safer on the road!
Is the flu going around in your family? While you think to clean high touch areas around the house, what about the car? We treat cars with Ozone as a disinfectant, it kills not only the flu but also the covid virus!

And always remember, have an extra blanket in the car, keep the fuel level above 1/3 of the tank and ideally carry a first-aid or roadside assistance kit in your vehicle in case of emergencies.

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